General Rules
- Club Hours and Operations
- The pool season begins Memorial Day weekend and continues through Labor Day.
- Pool hours are established by the Board of Trustees and posted at the pool.
- The Manager, with the Board, may designate hours for special events.
- Parties of 7 or more non-member guests must be authorized by the Manager at least 10 days in advance, with a maximum of 20 non-member guests per day.
- The pool may be closed for maintenance, weather, or any reason deemed sufficient by the Manager.
- Member Obligations
- Members must sign in before entering the pool area.
- There are three categories of membership.
- Adult: 15 years and older.
- Approved Junior members: 10-14 years, who have satisfied the Manager of their qualifications and who have written parental permission on file in the office. Approved Junior members may use the pool unattended but may not bring guests. The Board has the right to suspend Junior member privileges for violation of pool rules.
- Others: those not qualified under Sec. II, B1 or B2 must be accompanied at all times by an adult member or an authorized babysitter.
- Members who have not paid their dues and fees in full are not permitted to use the facilities.
- The cost of any property damage by a member or guest will be charged to the member responsible.
- Guests
- Definition: any non-member that enters and utilizes the facility.
- Guests must be accompanied at all times by an adult member or approved junior. Any junior guest, age 10-14, must be accompanied by an adult member (15 and up) who must remain at the facility as long as the guest is present.
- The conduct of a guest is the responsibility of the member host.
- Season Babysitter Passes may be arranged with the Manager or Treasurer for a fee of $50. Babysitters must be 15 years or older. Proof may be required. A Babysitter Pass belongs to the member family and may be used by more than one babysitter. Authorized babysitters must read Sections IV, V and Vi of these Regulations and the Rules of Pool Conduct and sign to indicate intent to comply.
- Temporary Babysitter Passes may be arranged with a request to the Board.
- Babysitter or member 14 years or under may not sponsor a guest.
- General Conduct
- Drivers must observe a 10-mph speed limit on pool property, park in designated areas, keep the entrance free in case of emergency, and use caution when entering or leaving the property.
- No pets are allowed.
- Abusive or profane language is not permitted.
- Each member is responsible for keeping the pool, pool house, and grass areas clean.
- No running, pushing, or any rough or dangerous activity on the paved deck.
- No eating on the paved deck.
- Pool and ball games will be at the discretion of the Manager.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted during regular hours of operation. Persons under the influence of alcohol are not allowed on pool property.
- Violation of any of the rules of General Conduct (Sec. IV, A-H) is sufficient for suspension of privileges as directed by the Board.
- Health & Safety
- Admission to the pool may be denied anyone wearing a bandage, having an open infection, inflamed eyes, or other infectious condition.
- Glass containers are not permitted on pool property.
- Metal or glass objects are not allowed in either pool.
- Air-inflated toys and jackets, kapok, cork or foamed-plastic jackets, properly fitted, are allowed at the Manager’s discretion.
- Children in the wading pool must be 5 years or under and must be supervised by an adult other than a pool employee.
- Children who are not potty-trained must wear rubber or plastic pants, provided by their parents.
- Diving is permitted only in the diving well and only by qualified swimmers unless supervised by the Manager or a qualified adult.
- Garbage and trash are to be disposed of in the proper containers, recyclable cans in yellow containers. Members and guests are responsible for the area of the club grounds they use.
- General
- All persons using the facilities do so at their own risk. The club will not be responsible for any accident, injury, or loss of personal property through theft or fire.
- The Manager and Assistant Manager have complete authority in the supervision of the pool and club property and are responsible for safe and orderly conditions.
- In accordance with the Club By-laws, the pool Manager, or their designee, has the authority to suspend club privileges up to 7 days without Board approval to any member or guest who violates any provision of these rules.
- Each year, swimmers under 13 years must pass a safety test, given by the Manager (or their designee), prior to use of diving boards and diving area.
- To use the high diving board, a person must be at least 10 years old.
- These regulations may be revised at any time by the Board. The Manager may modify, void, or suspend any of them for reasons of health or safety.
- All suggestions and complaints must be in writing to the Manager or the Board.